Step 1:
Download the required apps.
First the Helium App, this will be used to onboard the FreedomFi Gateway.
The second app is the Helium wallet. This will be used to manage your tokens.
Don't set them up yet.
Step 2:
Connect an ethernet cable from your home router/modem to the WAN port of the FreedomFi Gateway.

Step 3:
Connect the LoRa antenna. You must connect an antenna to this before powering on the unit. If you do not it could cause damage to the FreedomFi Gateway.

Step 4:
Connect the power supply to the wall outlet and then connect the DC jack to the FreedomFi Gateway. DO NOT PRESS THE POWER (PAIRING) BUTTON. It will light up red that is good it means the FreedomFi Gateway is on.

Step 5:
Open the 2nd app, "Helium wallet" and follow the steps to create a new wallet. If you already have one you can skip this step.

We have a video guide here:
Step 6:
Open the first app "Helium Hotspot". We will now onboard the FreedomFi Gateway.

Step 7:
Press Link Helium Wallet.

Step 8:
Select the wallet you made in step 5. Then press "Yes, link my wallet".

Step 9:
Press "Add Hotspot"

Step 10:
Press "FreedomFi Gateway"

Step 11:
Press on the link.

Step 12:
Press "Scan" and scan the qr code under the FreedomFi.

Step 13:
Press "Next" after scanning the qr code. Your serial number should of filled the box above.

Step 14:
Confirm the wallet is yours( You can find this from step 5 ). Then press "Next".

Step 15:
If you see the sad face please wait. Wait 15 minutes, but could be longer.

Step 16:
Press the pairing button on the FreedomFi gateway for half a second and let go. Then press "Next"

Step 17:
Wait for the authentication to succeed.

Step 18:
When succeeded, press " Link Gateway".

Step 19:
The Helium App will now open, check over the Owner Address and make sure it matches your wallet from step 5. If all is good press "Next".

Step 20:
We will now assert the location of the FreedomFi Gateway. Press "Ask for Permissions"

Step 21:
Make sure the pin on the map lines up, then press "set location".

Step 22:
Set the antenna gain. If you are using the one that came in the box its 1.2dBi. Set the height, it's asking how high off the ground is the antenna.

Step 23:
Review the information and if all looks good press "submit". This information can be changed later for a small fee if needed to change it.

Step 24:
Last step is to complete the onboarding by pressing "Confirm". Your hotspot is now onboarded. It will start to earn IOT tokens. To earn Mobile tokens you will need to attach a radio such as a Baicells 430h or 436h.

Your FreedomFi has been onboarded! You should now install the Baicells radios 👇.
I have a FreedomFi that I’ve connected in the past. I moved the hotspot to a new locality. I updated the location in the app. However, the hotspot is not active and cannot be found using the scan functionality in the apps. What do I need to do?
You can disable the RAK by simply unplugging the unit, you can then connect the antenna to your FreedomFi unit. It will still appear on the map the RAK but it will be inactive and will not affect rewards.
I currently have a RAK wirless miner using an 8dBi antenna at 11meters. Can I disable the RAK? and setup the FF hotspot using the same antenna?