Mine GEODNET with HeliumDeploy

What is GEODNET? Meet the Next Generation of GPS Technology

If you’re looking for the next big thing in tech, listen up. There's a new player in town. It's called GEODNET (Global Earth Observation Decentralized Network), and it's turning heads.

GEODNET promises something bigger than GPS. It’s more precise, more reliable, and ready to revolutionize the market. Everyone’s talking about it, and for good reason. It’s set to be a game-changer in the GNSS (Global navigation satellite system) world.

So, what makes GEODNET so special? Stick around to find out why this tech could be the smartest investment you'll ever make. 

How Does GEODNET Work?

GEODNET uses cryptocurrency to create a network of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS). This network makes location data much more accurate.

GEODNET already generates $630k in annual recurring revenue and aims to capture a big chunk of the $3.4 billion GNSS correction market.


So, how does it work? Let’s break it down. Usually, GPS works with signals from satellites over 10,000 miles away. Your phone or car catches these signals and figures out your location. But GPS isn't perfect. We've all seen those moments where it says, "You have arrived," but you’re still searching for the right spot. That’s where GEODNET steps in.

GEODNET uses small GNSS antennas that people can install on their roofs. These antennas act as reference stations, making the whole system more precise. In return for setting up these stations, people earn GEOD tokens.

These reference stations listen to satellite signals. They check the signal's travel time and compare it to the expected travel time.

Various factors can slow the signal down, like:

  • Weather conditions, such as storms
  • Solar flares disturbing the atmosphere
  • Obstacles like tall buildings or mountains
  • Satellite orbit and clock perturbations
  • Interference from other electronic devices

The stations note these differences and send out a “correction stream.” Devices within 20 km of a station can use this data to get centimetre-level accuracy. It’s like Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) but without the high costs.

Customers are already swapping their old, expensive services for GEODNET’s data. It’s cheaper and better.

Benefits of GEODNET Network

Here’s how GEOD tokens play a crucial role in this network.

Affordable Access to High-Accuracy Data

GEOD tokens pay for GEODNET's data streams and services, keeping the system running smoothly. Users benefit from high-accuracy data at a lower cost, a win-win for everyone involved.

Rewarding Space Weather Miners

Space Weather Miners earn rewards in GEOD tokens. These miners help maintain the network by providing valuable data. The more data they provide, the more tokens they earn. This system ensures that the network stays robust and accurate.

Community-Driven Governance

GEOD tokens are used for governance votes. Token holders can vote on how the network’s resources are allocated. This makes the system fair and democratic. Everyone has a say in the future of GEODNET.

Fueling Future Blockchain Functions

In the future, GEOD tokens will serve as gas for blockchain location and time proofs. This will add another layer of functionality to the GEODNET system. It ensures that the network can handle even more complex tasks efficiently.

To see just how competitive the GEODNET solution really is, check out how they compare to competitors below.

GEODNET Competitor Comparison

Real-World Applications of GEODNET

Here are some key applications where GEODNET shines.

Survey & Mapping

Surveyors and mappers rely on accurate data. GEODNET provides pinpoint accuracy, making their work faster and more reliable. Whether it's mapping new land or updating existing maps, GEODNET ensures precision.

Ground Robotics

Robots need precise navigation to function well. GEODNET helps ground robotics move accurately and efficiently. This is crucial for tasks like automated warehousing and industrial automation.

Heavy Duty Vehicles

For heavy-duty vehicles, precision is key. GEODNET improves navigation and control. This means better performance in construction, mining, and other tough environments.

Precision Agriculture

Farmers benefit hugely from GEODNET. It allows for precise planting, watering, and harvesting. This leads to higher yields and more efficient use of resources.

Drones & UAV

Drones need exact location data for tasks like surveying, delivery, and filming. GEODNET enhances their accuracy, ensuring they complete their missions successfully.


Rail systems rely on accurate timing and positioning. GEODNET improves these aspects, leading to safer and more efficient rail transport.

Road & Automotive

Cars and other road vehicles use GEODNET for navigation and safety. It provides the precision needed for autonomous driving and advanced driver assistance systems.

Sport, Gaming, Tourism

In sports and gaming, accuracy can make or break the experience. GEODNET ensures precise location data for augmented reality games and tourism applications.

Smart Watches

Smartwatches with GEODNET can track activities more accurately. This is great for fitness enthusiasts who want precise data on their workouts.

Biodiversity & Ecosystems

Researchers studying biodiversity and ecosystems use GEODNET for tracking and monitoring. It helps in collecting precise data about animal movements and environmental changes.

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones equipped with GEODNET technology offer better location services. This improves navigation apps, location-based services, and emergency response.

Research & Development

In R&D, accurate data is vital. GEODNET supports a wide range of research projects by providing reliable and precise location information.

GEODNET Network Growth 

GEODNET's network has seen amazing growth this past year. In April 2023, the annual recurring revenue (ARR) was $240,446. By March 2024, it skyrocketed to $629,213. This shows a huge demand for GEODNET’s improved GNSS services. 

The number of nodes grew, too, from around 2,000 to over 5,000. This rise proves their token incentive system works well.

This growth shows GEODNET's value. Customers prefer it over pricier options. It's cheaper and more accurate. It’s used in farming, drones, construction, and IoT. 

The market for GNSS correction is worth $3.4 billion. GEODNET is grabbing a bigger share of it. With this strong growth, GEODNET looks like a smart investment in tech and GNSS.

What Is the GEOD Token?

The GEOD token is the backbone of the GEODNET system. It’s a cryptocurrency that powers the network. People earn GEOD tokens by setting up small GNSS antennas on their roofs, which helps improve location accuracy for everyone.

Tokens are rewards. The more antennas or nodes you have, the more tokens you earn. These tokens can be traded or used within the GEODNET system. They encourage people to join and expand the network. And for those who prefer, GEOD tokens can also be bought or mined.

GEOD tokens also help keep the network decentralized. This means no single person or company controls it. The community runs it together. It’s a smart way to build a large, reliable network without huge costs.

In simple terms, GEOD tokens are what make GEODNET work. They incentivize growth and ensure accuracy. And they give everyone a reason to be part of something big.

How Can I Mine GEODNET?

Mining GEODNET is simple and rewarding. You can buy a device like the Geodnet MobileCM (Triple-band) to start. This device helps you gather real-time geospatial data from the Earth and atmosphere. By installing it on your roof, you contribute to the GEODNET network and earn GEOD tokens.

To mine GEODNET, follow these steps:

  1. Purchase a Geodnet MobileCM: This device is designed for easy installation and optimal data collection.
  2. Install the Device Securely Outdoors: Make sure it's mounted firmly and doesn’t move. The installation hardware is included.
  3. Start Earning Tokens: Once your device is set up, it will begin collecting data and you will earn GEOD tokens as a reward.
GEODNET Triple-Band Miner

Geodnet MobileCM (Triple-band)

$695.00 $695.00

★★★★★ (12 Reviews)

This unit gathers dense real-time geospatial data from the Earth.‍ You will earn GEOD tokens for installing this.‍

Buy on HeliumDeploy


Mining GEODNET is a great way to be part of an innovative technology network while earning cryptocurrency. It’s easy to get started, and the rewards are real.

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