HIP 113: What It Means for Helium Mining and CBRS Rewards

HIP 113: What It Means for Helium Mining and CBRS Rewards

HIP 113: What It Means for Helium Mining and CBRS Rewards

As the Helium network evolves, we're seeing more adjustments to how participants are rewarded continue to shape its future. The recently introduced Helium Improvement Proposal (HIP) 113 brings big changes to the distribution of Proof-of-Coverage (PoC) rewards, particularly affecting CBRS (Citizens Broadband Radio Service) radios. This article aims to simplify HIP 113 and explain its implications for the Helium mining community.

Understanding HIP 113

Since CBRS radios are not yet effectively passing data, HIP 113 proposes changes to PoC rewards for CBRS. This adjustment aims to ensure that rewards accurately reflect the actual value provided by different types of technology within the Helium ecosystem. The focus of the network continues to be adding more covering, especially in areas with gaps or excess demand.

Key Changes in HIP 113

  1. Reduction in CBRS Rewards: The primary change introduced by HIP 113 is a reduction in PoC rewards for CBRS radios. Initially, CBRS played a significant role in Helium's 5G network, but issues discovered after launch revealed its limited practical utility. The proposal reduces the coverage points assigned to CBRS radios to better match their current contribution to the network.

  2. Emphasis on Wi-Fi Access Points: HIP 113 highlights the advantages of Wi-Fi Access Points over CBRS radios. Wi-Fi offers easier deployment, better handoff performance, and broader device compatibility. As a result, the proposal aims to incentivize the deployment of Wi-Fi hotspots by adjusting reward structures to favor them.

Why These Changes?

The motivation behind HIP 113 stems from practical challenges and limitations faced by CBRS technology. While CBRS radios were crucial at the launch of Helium's 5G network, they encountered issues such as complex deployment, limited compatibility, and uncertain production readiness. In contrast, Wi-Fi hotspots offer a more seamless and practical solution for expanding network coverage and enhancing user experience.

Impact on Rewards Distribution

Before HIP 113, CBRS radios received a substantial portion of PoC rewards despite their experimental nature. Post-implementation, these rewards will be significantly reduced, reallocating incentives to more effective and production-ready technologies like Wi-Fi. This shift aims to accelerate the deployment of Wi-Fi hotspots, which are crucial for the Helium Mobile Network's success.

Benefits of the Proposal

  1. Fairness for Deployers: By aligning rewards with utility, HIP 113 ensures that deployers who choose optimal Wi-Fi setups are fairly compensated for their contributions.

  2. Enhanced Coverage: Increased incentives for Wi-Fi deployment will likely lead to better network coverage, benefiting subscribers with more reliable and accessible connections.

  3. Sustainable Network Growth: By focusing on technologies that offer immediate and practical benefits, the Helium network can grow more sustainably and efficiently.

Stakeholder Considerations

While the reduction in CBRS rewards may initially disappoint some deployers, the proposal includes provisions to maintain a minimal experimental deployment of CBRS radios. This ensures ongoing research and development opportunities without disproportionately rewarding a less effective technology.

The Future of Helium Mining

HIP 113 represents a significant step in refining the reward mechanisms within the Helium network. By prioritizing practical and production-ready technologies, the proposal supports the network's long-term growth and stability. As the Helium community continues to innovate and adapt, proposals like HIP 113 will be crucial in guiding the network towards a more efficient and user-friendly future.

Related Reads

To learn more about how the Helium network is evolving and other related topics, check out our recent blog posts:


HIP 113 is a strategic adjustment to the Helium network's PoC rewards, reflecting a shift towards more effective technologies. By reducing CBRS rewards and emphasizing Wi-Fi deployment, the proposal aims to enhance network coverage and fairness for deployers. As Helium mining evolves, staying informed about such changes is essential for maximizing rewards and contributing to the network's success.

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Somehow it’s ironic that the major premise of this HIP is that CBRS deployments are unfairly getting more rewards than they are due, and yet the HIP passed… Would not all of the unfairly compensated CBRS nodes use their vast resources of unfairly rewarded MOBILE, to vote no ?


This HIP is a total joke, and completely full of false and misleading statements. It reads from someone who doesn’t ACTUALLY want to invest in the Helium Network, but rather line their pockets because they’re too cheap to buy the superior product. Are there challenges? Yes… but they should be fixed, not tossed aside in favor of WiFi. Literally no one can honestly see the value of paying for WiFi, in a place where WiFi already exists. I’d venture to bet that 99% of the WiFi Hotspots, are sitting next to an ISP’s WiFi router…. So what “utility” do you find in congesting an already obliterated 5GHz spectrum?

CBRS provides connectivity for MILES. Good luck getting WiFi to go even two houses down.

There was a real opportunity here to provide a people powered MOBILE (not the token) network, for a decent price, to underserved areas…. And it’s basically been tossed to the side so people can buy overpriced wifi access points, to sit next to their existing wifi access point.

As a regional provider, I had the opportunity to cover a few hundred square miles with Helium powered CBRS devices, and bring tens of thousands of customers onboard (many of which we already serve in other capacities)… but it seems rather obvious that I need to work with my engineers to reflash these and deploy our own competitive network (and there are PLENTY of companies out there that want to assist with this). We already have CPI on staff, and we already have SAS access and relationships (as we are using other vendors CBRS gear as well)… the whole purpose of using Helium was to support the ecosystem of the people powered network. Seems like it should be renamed to the Helium Execs Network.

Annoyed Provider



I would consider a Outdoor WiFi setup. Is there a breakdown of the rewards system? Is there a tool to estimate future rewards? Can I mount this near the CBRS radios and the FF hotspot?

Gregory Grundl

I’m so sorry Manuel, you lost a lot of money! I lost around 5 thousand dollars that I have only recovered $600 and now that all the CBRs have fallen, will the recovery of the investment take years?

Juan Pizarro

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